Business Law

Starting a new business is an exciting time! There are many decisions that must be made at the outset, which can have lasting implications. Our office is available to help you with choice of entity, formation, and ownership agreement drafting & negotiation.

Whether you are ready to take the leap from making a hobby into a job, ready to capitalize a great new idea or are simply ready to strike out on your own, we can help you fulfill the formal requirements of starting a business in Illinois, as well as help you plan for the future.

Some considerations include:
The Form of your business: Does a Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability Company or Corporation make the most sense?
The Rules that govern your business: Do you want to operate using the Illinois default rules, or should you develop your own Articles and By-Laws?
The Filing and Reporting requirements: Are you meeting your deadlines?

There are many, many considerations when starting a business; let us help you navigate those early days and months.

We can also assist with drafting, review and negotiation of other documents such as Employee Handbook, Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements , real estate lease or purchase transactions , vendor contracts and customer contracts.